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Scholarly essays 

On this page, you will find a selection of Newell's scholarly essays. Thank you for checking out our page, and we hope you enjoy learning more about Newell's work.

  • ​​​Superlative Virtue: The Problem of Monarchy in Aristotle’s Politics. The Western Political Quarterly. 1987​


  • Aristotle’s Ambivalent Assessment of Oligarchy. In Tabachnick and Koivukoski eds. Oligarchy. University of Toronto Press. 2011.

  • Tyranny and the Science of Ruling in Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus. The Journal of Politics. 1983.

  • Machiavelli and Xenophon on Princely Rule: A Double-Edged Encounter. The Journal of Politics. 1988.

  • Machiavelli and Xenophon’s Cyrus: Searching for the Modern Conception of Monarchy. In Mitchell ed. Every Inch a King: Comparative Studies on Kings and Kingship in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Brill Publishers. 2012.

  • How Original is Machiavelli? A Consideration of Skinner’s Interpretation of Virtue and Fortune. Political Theory. 1987.

  • Machiavelli’s Model For A Liberal Empire. In Tabachnick and Koivukoski eds. Empire. University of Toronto Press. 2009.

  • Redeeming Modernity: The Ascent of Eros and Wisdom in Hegel’s Phenomenology. Interpretation. 2009.

  • The Recollection of Freedom: Hegel as Educator. In Radasanu ed. In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Irwin. Lexington Books. 2015.

  • Reflections on Marxism and America. In Allan Bloom ed. Confronting the Constitution. American Enterprise Institute Press. 1990.

  • Eros and Revolution: On Flaubert’s Sentimental Education. In Palmer and Pangle eds. Political Philosophy and the Human Soul: Essays in Memory of Allan Bloom. Rowman and Littlefied. 1995.


  • Zarathustra’s Dancing Dialectic. Interpretation. 1990.

  • Heidegger on Freedom and Community: Some Political Implications of His Early Thought. The American Political Science Review. 1984.

  • Politics and Progress in Heidegger’s Philosophy of History. In Day and Beiner eds. Democratic Theory and Technological Society. M.E. Sharpe. 1988.


  • The Distant Command of the Greeks: Thoughts on Heidegger’s Rectoral Address. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. 1988.

  • Heidegger’s Ontological Politics. Kritika & Context. 1997.

  • History and Nothingness: Kojeve’s re-leveraging of Hegel’s dialectic of freedom. In Pedrazuela ed. Alexandre Kojeve: A Man of Influence. Rowman and Littlefield. 2022.

  • Kojeve’s Hegel, Hegel’s Hegel, Strauss’s Hegel: A Middle Range Approach to the Debate about Tyranny and Totalitarianism. In Burns ed. Philosophy, History and Tyranny: Reexamining the Debate between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojeve. SUNY Press. 2016.

  • Philosophy and the Perils of Commitment: A Comparison of Lukacs and Heidegger. History of European Ideas. 1988.

  • Is There An Ontology of Tyranny? In Koivukoski and Tabachnick eds. Confronting Tyranny: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics. Rowman and Littlefied. 2006.

  • Origins of Enchantment: Conceptual Continuities in the Ontology of Political Wholeness. In Ranasinghe ed. Logos and Eros: Essays Honoring Stanley Rosen. St. Augustine Press. 2006.

  • Democracy in the Age of Globalization. In Koivukoski and Tabachnick eds. Globalization, Technology and Democracy. SUNY Press. 2003.

  • Dictatorship and Democracy. In Lipset ed. The Encyclopedia of Democracy. Congressional Quarterly Books. 1995.

  • Return to the Golden Age: Reflections on Post-Hegelian and Post-modernist Social Movements. Proceedings of the Conference on The Politics of Anti-Politics. The Vienna Dialogue on Democracy, The Institute of Advanced Studies. 1994.

  • To Captivate the Jewish Thinker: Fackenheim’s Ontological Encounter with Heidegger. In Green and Jaffe eds. Emil Fackenheim’s Post-Holocaust Thought. University of Toronto Press. 2021.

  • A Fruitful Disagreement: The Philosophical Encounter Between George P. Grant and Leo Strauss. In Bernstein and Schiff eds. Reading Strauss Outside The Lines: Leo Strauss and Contemporary Thought. SUNY Press. 2021.

  • Did Plato Believe in His Own Metaphysics? In Burns ed. Recovering Reason: Essays in Honor of Thomas L. Pangle. Lexington Books. 2010.​​

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